Do you feel like your life has no point or reason? Are you dealing with sin, depression, or addiction and want out of that lifestyle? There is hope and freedom! Start Listening Now!
Finding freedom is very simple. Watch this.
What must I do to be SAVED?
Do you think you are doing enough good works to get to heaven? What if I told you you're wrong?
In Christ Alone, My Hope Is Found!
Do YOU want to have FREEDOM from SIN and ADDICTION?
"Search the scriptures;...they are they which testify of me." - Jesus Christ
Want to know more? Start reading the BIBLE. Its all in that book!
Let's Learn More
Do you want a better understanding of God's plan of salvation? This video series was produced to give an understanding of the Bible from beginning to end. We highly recommend starting with Episode one and watching all 13 episodes in order.